Thursday 27 April 2017

What Shall We Say Of These Things?

These once a month posts...I can do better. I should...

That being said, I've got many new things in the air, so please forgive me for not posting more stuff. I'm working on a couple of new TV shows, and a new anthology. All very exciting, and engaging and time consuming work.

The kids were on holiday, and we participated in the Bookworm Cafe's IG Read Aloud Challenge. It's been a lot of fun, and very gratifying to see both kids grow, especially YVC. He no longer feels the need to rip books apart, or the desire to glory in the exultant joy derived from the utter destruction of board books. That's progress, let me tell you!

Pepper Soup is still available on Okada Books and Kobo. We will be up on Amazon very soon. And...

*drum roll*

Pepper Soup will be available in bookshops from July 1st. Hurray! While we do all the things we need to get things ready, let me know where your favourite bookshop is, so we can make sure your favourite anthology (you know I speak the truth) will be there waiting for you.


We're doing a limited print run, which means when the copies run out. They, well em, run out.

So get in touch with your bookshop, and tell them to expect us, so that there's no crayfish waka.

Ooh, and one more thing - Pepper Soup is now up on Goodreads.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas! We made it!

There are a couple of issues with the page - no cover and a couple of misspellings but all that will be fixed in due course. Meanwhile, we need something from you - REVIEWS!!!

Could you stroll over and leave us a review and/or rating? It will help more people know that such literary goodness exits. So whaddaya say? Please!

You can leave a review here: Pepper Soup Review
